Milano Sanremo

QSOs: 876 - Points: 5140

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 # ActivatorQSOsScore
1 IQ5VK 152 1520
2 IZ0MQN 233 1165
3 IZ0ARL 150 750
4 IZ1UIA 143 715
5 IU4KET 123 615
6 IZ5CPK 57 285
7 IZ1XBB 18 90


 # HunterQSOsScore
1 IZ2CDR 9 55
2 IW1RLC 7 45
3 IK1DFH 8 45
4 IK2JTS 8 45
5 IK8FIQ 8 40
6 IW1RIM 7 40
7 IZ5FSO 6 40
8 IZ8STJ 6 35
9 IU8AZS 6 35
10 IU2LUH 6 35
11 IW3HV 6 35
12 DL3AG 6 35
13 IK7XNF 6 35
14 IK1JNP 6 35
15 IZ1TNA 6 35
16 IY7GMB 6 35
17 IZ4AIF 4 30
18 IU0QVE 6 30