Live Webcam in Losio (AL) Piedmont, Italy
Degrees: 44°36.66' N 8°27.84' E (APRS)
Decimal degrees: 44.6110 N 8.4640 E
Degrees: 44°36'40" N 8°27'50" E
Grid: JN44FO Alt. 450 m s.l.m.
The LoRa APRS iGate will work with very cheep hardware which you can buy from amazon, ebay or aliexpress. Try it out and be part of the APRS network. What is Lora APRS? LoRa is a modulation technology that uses a frequency spreading method to allow data to be transmitted over long distances at extremely low power levels. The LoRa technology was actually developed for data transfer for IOT devices in the ISM bands (LoraWAN) and is also successfully used there. Due to the large distribution and thus large numbers of units, the costs for the required hardware have dropped extremely and are affordable and extremely interesting for projects in the amateur sector. For radio amateurs, the 433 MHz version is especially suitable, because it can be used in the 70 cm band by amateurs without the usual restrictions for IOT in the ISM band (duty cycle, transmit power, etc). Who produces LoRa? LILYGO® is a company integrating R&D, committed, and sales and committed to promoting the development of the industry for IoT.